Should I Hire a Divorce Lawyer for an Uncontested Divorce?
If you and your spouse want to walk out of your marriage, the basic question to face is whether or not a divorce lawyer near me is needed. The question may sound simple on the surface but at the core, it’s your specific situations that actually decide what the binary-coded answer will be.
As per the RULE OF THE THUMB, the less your dependence on the court is, the smoother the divorce process will proceed. But the basic priorities and plans ultimately boil down to the assessment if you should approach a MAN IN BLACK COAT. Following is a set of information that you should go through to make a decision like a WISE MAN.
You Can Manage without a Divorce Lawyer
If you and your spouse sit together and successfully iron out the issues, you don’t need to involve a divorce lawyer.
The most common issues include:
- Alimony
- Division of Marital Property
- Custody of Your Minor Children
- Financial Support for Your Children
For a couple, who has decided to go for a divorce, working together is the best decision as it has several advantages as follows:
- You will have a far greater and more encompassing control over the crucial issues, which are raised during divorce proceedings, instead of putting them on the backburner only to be considered by a judge or jury.
- You will be able to save a lot of time and money by not involving a divorce attorney in every aspect of your divorce procedure.
- Children, who get involved in their parents’ divorce proceeding, undergo a smoother transition if the couple sorts out the issues themselves.
If you and your husband/wife come to terms with the bigger issues of your divorce, you can request the court to grant you a divorce formally i.e. in writing. Due to its nature, it is commonly referred to as ‘uncontested divorce’.
In some states, the couples don’t even have to appear in court for finalization of divorce, provided they can establish it’s an uncontested divorce and everything has been worked out. However, short court hearings are required in many states if the couples have minor children.
Should I Hire an Attorney for an Uncontested Divorce?
If you and your spouse have accepted all the terms related to your divorce, you can easily file a lawsuit for an uncontested divorce without the lawyer’s help. However, it’s always recommended to have an attorney to go through your agreement to ensure that your interests and rights are not compromised and any important issue that might come up later is not overlooked.
Final Words
What makes divorce cases way different from other legal imbroglios is the amount and extent of intense emotions. In most of the cases, emotions override logic and one of the spouses tends to succumb to sugary words, emotional drama and clever deception only to end up compromising his or her rights. That is why, it’s better to consult an experienced divorce lawyer whether or not it’s an uncontested divorce. After all, Prevention is always Better than Confrontation.